When an individual has been removed from the United States, committed fraud to obtain immigration benefits, or entered the United States without inspection and remained in the country for over one year, said individual would need to apply for a waiver or multiple waivers in some cases to be able to adjust their immigration status or petition for a nonimmigrant visa. Waivers are always...
Fiancé visa or K – Visas permits a United States Citizen to petition for his or her fiancé, including the same sex, that lives in another country. This visa allows the fiancé of the U.S. Citizen to enter the United States and remain in the United States under the condition of getting married within 90 days of entry.
This type of visa is a great choice to bring a loved one and file for the...
As a U.S. Citizen or a Lawful Permanent Resident, you may be able to petition for a relative that meets the established guidelines set by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services. The following relatives may qualify Husband or wife, Child under 21 years old, Unmarried son or daughter over 21, Married son or daughter of any age, Brother or...
Under the Immigration and Nationality Act section 212, there are many enumerated reasons a person can be found to be inadmissible to the United States. Grounds of inadmissibility prevent a person from obtaining lawful permanent residence and from obtaining non-immigrant visas. Some of these grounds of inadmissibility can be waived under specific circumstances described in the particular...
Adjustment of Status allows an immigrant who legally entered the United States with inspection ( a legal status) to change the status to lawful permanent resident (LPR) through marriage with a US citizen, an Employer, or if they have a previous family petition for which the visa has become current while they are in the United States. For you to qualify for Adjustment of Status, you must have...
The Trump administration is redirecting agents from a specially trained Border Patrol unit to help ramp up arrests and removals of undocumented immigrants in sanctuary cities, including Boston, multiple law enforcement officials confirmed to ABC News.
The New York Times reported that the deployment of the teams will run from now through May.
Besides Boston, other...
Read this story in English here.
El tribunal de inmigración de Boston suspenderá de manera inmediata elcalendario de audiencias públicas – días en que las salas de tribunales estánabarrotadas de cientos de personas que asisten a las presentacionespreliminares ante un juez de inmigración. La movida fue realizada en respuestadirecta al brote de coronavirus en los Estados...
UPDATE: The Executive Office of Immigration Review, the governing body of the nation’s immigration courts, announced in a tweet late Tuesday night that all immigration hearings for non-detained individuals are postponed as of March 18. The Boston immigration court remains open for hearings of those people still in ICE custody.
Read this story in Spanish here.